Special Event

Noosa Junction Chiropractic
Month of Mindfulness

As we approach the bustling holiday season, it’s more important than ever to take a step back, breathe, and reconnect with ourselves. Noosa Junction Chiropractic is excited to present our “Month of Mindfulness” for November, designed to help you prepare for the pre-holiday stress and cultivate a sense of inner calm and well-being.

Why Mindfulness Before the Holiday Season?

The lead-up to December and the holiday season can often be a whirlwind of activity, stress, and busyness. Taking time for mindfulness in November offers several significant benefits:
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Our Month of Mindfulness will run for 5 weeks across November.

The Month of Mindfulness Schedule:

Week 1: Gratitude (Oct 30th – Nov 5th)

Explore the transformative benefits of mindful breathing techniques to calm your mind and reduce stress as prepared by Dr Jacqui.

Week 2: Breathwork (Nov 6th – 12th)

Explore the transformative benefits of mindful breathing techniques to calm your mind and reduce stress as prepared by Dr Jacqui.

Week 3: Mindful Movement (Nov 13th – 19th)

Initiating the process of embracing mindful movement exercises to connect with your body, release tension, and improve flexibility.

Week 4: Gentle Yoga (Nov 20th – 26th)

Discover the holistic benefits of yoga, cultivate physical strength, mental clarity, and emotional balance lead by Dr Jacqui

Week 5: Meditation (Nov 27th – 3rd Dec)

Cultivate a regular meditation practice to deepen your mindfulness journey and enhance your inner peace.

How to Participate (It's Free!):

To join our Month of Mindfulness in November, simply sign up below. When you do, you’ll receive:

  • Weekly mindfulness guides tailored to each theme.
  • Tips, exercises, and resources to help you stay on track.
  • Encouragement and motivation to keep you engaged throughout the month.

Remember, this is a journey of self-care and self-improvement. By dedicating November to mindfulness, you’re investing in your wellbeing and setting the stage for a more peaceful and joyful holiday season. Join us and let’s make mindfulness a priority together!

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Sign up now for free and prepare to embrace a mindful November!