Chiropractic Care

The road to a healthy spine and nervous system starts here..

Helping you toward
Vibrant, Extraordinary Health by Choice, not Chance!

We combine Chiropractic with Health & Wellness Coaching to help You improve the Quality of your Life!

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At Noosa Junction Chiropractic we pride ourselves on our ability to get results but more so to GUARANTEE those results.

How can we GUARANTEE Results…?

We do this is through a Scientific Specific Approach where we:
• Undertake a thorough history and assessment of your condition.
• Take Motion Study X-rays of your spine to identify the exact area where the cause of your pain and symptoms are coming from.
• Create a Personalised Care Plan the involves both Chiropractic Adjustments at the Practice and Care for you to perform at home.
• The KEY to our success in getting results is following up on what we promise, by taking Post-Care X-rays to see the changes in your body.

What is our Personalised Care Plan..?

• Specific Chiropractic Adjustments over a duration and frequency of time dependent upon the changes in your body and associate symptoms.
– Stretching routine depending on your area of concern (I.e. neck stretches, lower back stretches, back stretches etc)
– Neuromuscular Rehabilition exercises.
– Posture Correction Devices where necessary.
– Regular Re-Examinations and testing to confirm progress and improvement in both how you feel and how you function.

We look forward to the opportunity to help you soon.

Your local health and wellness experts at Noosa Junction Chiropractic.

A beautiful place to live and an amazing place to visit – incorporate looking after your health and wellbeing while you appreciate Noosa’s natural and cultural attractions.

Why Chiropractic?

Body Signals are what most people call ‘symptoms’– indigestion, sleep problems, brain-fog, allergies, digestive upset, inflammation, discomfort, headaches, poor energy, balance issues, movement or coordination problems, bad posture, memory trouble…these and more are messages from your body to YOU saying, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN!

What Do We Do?

Many (if not all) body signals involve dysfunction, pressure or interference to your brain and nerves. This comes about from poorly moving joints in your spine.

That’s what we work to improve at Health Centres – better working nerves = a better working YOU – healing, coordination, control, regulation of everything you do.

This is our passion, and our RESPONSIBILITLY – if we don’t tell you about this, who will?
We work with your spine because it’s the BEST way to interface with your brain and nerve system.

We don’t claim to fix or treat medical conditions – what we do know is when the brain is more efficient and uses your body’s energy and resources better, pretty cool changes often result.

Whether you HAVE body signals or not, having a better moving, better functioning spine is GOOD for you. Many people choose to have ongoing care for life because THEY SEE THE RESULTS in the quality of their lives

Interested in visiting us?

Chiropractic Care