What Causes 75% Of All Deaths in Western Nations 

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In modern society, the rapid advancement of technology and urbanisation has led to significant shifts in how people live and work. While bringing many conveniences and improvements, these changes have also introduced new health challenges that were less prevalent in earlier times.  

The so-called ‘western’ or industrialised nations of the world have long struggled with high levels of preventable illnesses. According to World Health Organization statistics, most population deaths in these countries result from a particular cause. Lifestyle diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, are prevalent due to factors like poor diet and lack of exercise. 

What is responsible for 75% of all deaths in Western nations? What accounts for the other 25%?  

Researchers investigating longevity, healthcare, and mortality have coined the term ‘diseases of civilisation.’ This concept refers to the altered physiological functions labelled ‘disease’ arising from significant cultural and lifestyle transformations over the past 10,000 years while our human requirements remain unchanged.   

These diseases include conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, which have become prevalent because of modern living. Addressing these issues often requires a focus on reverting to more natural dietary and activity patterns that align with our natural. 

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Modern living results in such a mismatch that our bodies cannot adapt successfully and maintain that adaptation without manifesting ill health, sickness, and, eventually, death. The inability to keep pace with rapid environmental and lifestyle changes leads to chronic conditions our ancestors rarely faced. As a result, modern medicine continually attempts to address these emerging health challenges.  

Diseases of civilisation could also be referred to as diseases of lifestyle choice, as they encompass a range of chronic illnesses that result from our modern way of living. These conditions arise from toxic loads—such as pollution, poor diet, and harmful habits—and deficiencies in the essential biological requirements for optimal human health. The term includes not only significant killers like heart disease and cancer but also a variety of other health issues, such as inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, digestive problems, and hormonal imbalances.  

A significant category within these diseases is degenerative diseases, which stem from the constant and ongoing stress placed on our body’s adaptation mechanisms. Chronic stress, whether physical, emotional, or psychological, can wear down our systems over time, leading to various forms of sickness and eventually contributing to long-term deterioration of health.  

This research suggests that the various diseases of civilisation collectively are responsible for 75% of all modern deaths. Although this research was conducted in 1988, more recent data indicates that the percentage is much higher.   

Some people argue that our lifestyle choices often amount to a form of ‘slow suicide’ as we continue to engage in behaviours detrimental to our health.   

Acute trauma, accidents, injuries, infectious diseases, and genetic disorders cause the remaining 25% of deaths. This states the importance of public health strategies to prevent lifestyle-related diseases and enhance overall well-being.

To address these pressing health issues, adopting a holistic approach that emphasises natural healing and proactive health management is crucial. Chiropractic care, which incorporates the principles of vitalism, offers suchh an approach by focusing on the body’s remarkable ability to heal itself when given the right conditions. Vitalism promotes natural healing processes and encourages healthy lifestyle choices, reducing the need for medications and invasive treatments.  

By focusing on natural methods like nutrition, exercise, and stress management, vitalism supports the body’s ability to recover from illness and maintain health. This approach encourages the body to heal itself, leveraging its inherent capabilities for recovery and wellness. 

Additionally, vitalism stands for balanced nutrition, regular exercise, sufficient rest, and mental wellbeing to support the body’s self-healing capabilities. A well-balanced diet provides essential nutrients needed for proper functioning and repair. Vitalism also teaches individuals about their bodies and how to support their health through informed lifestyle choices. This technique fosters a sense of control and responsibility over one’s wellbeing, encouraging proactive health management and empowering individuals to take charge of their health. 

Similarly, the principles of holism guide healthcare by considering individuals’ physical, mental, emotional, and social factors to ensure comprehensive treatment plans that address all aspects of health and wellbeing. This holistic approach is designed to promote overall health and minimise the risk of future health issues.

Personalised treatment plans are meticulously crafted to cater to each patient’s needs, incorporating medical history, lifestyle habits, genetic predispositions, and current health conditions. This tailored approach enables customised interventions aimed at optimising health outcomes.  

Holistic Chiropractic care, strongly emphasises preventive measures to sustain long-term health and wellbeing. This involves promoting balanced living through practices such as proper nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, adequate sleep, and mental health support. 

Simple changes in our daily habits and lifestyles can improve our overall health and wellbeing. Promoting these changes to individuals and our society is vital to what we do at Noosa Junction Chiropractic. Through education and personalised care, we aim to inspire healthier living practices that can reduce the prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases. Our approach emphasises the importance of proactive health measures and the benefits of making minor routine adjustments.  

To truly shift these alarming statistics, we must provide leadership that drives change at the individual and community levels. This involves guiding people toward healthier choices and coordinating community events supporting a healthier lifestyle for all. By working together, we can create a healthier future and reduce the burden of preventable diseases.  

What roles does Chiropractic play in easing the situation?  

Chiropractic, vitalism, and holism offer comprehensive approaches to health that can significantly ease the burden of preventable diseases and improve overall wellbeing. By addressing the root causes of health issues and emphasising natural healing, Chiropractic Care helps reduce the dependency on medications up to 85% and invasive procedures up to 62%. We promote sustainable health by encouraging lifestyle changes that align with our body’s natural needs. 

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At Noosa Junction Chiropractic, we integrate these principles into our patient care, providing personalised treatment plans and educational resources to support long-term wellness.   

Chiropractic care focuses on maintaining and restoring the health of the spine and nervous system. Chiropractic care helps the body heal and function better by improving spinal alignment and brain. This is achieved through:  

Spinal Adjustments:

Chiropractic adjustments aim to correct misalignments in the spine (subluxations), which can interfere with nerve function. By restoring proper alignment, chiropractors help reduce pain, improve mobility, and enhance the body’s ability to heal itself. 

Preventative Care:

Regular chiropractic visits can identify and address spinal issues early on, help prevent conditions from worsening, and reduce the risk of chronic pain and injuries over time. 

Natural Pain Relief:

Chiropractic care provides a drug-free alternative for pain management. Instead of masking pain symptoms with medications, spinal adjustments address the root cause of pain enabling your body to heal and recover from the cause, reducing the need for pharmaceuticals. Simply put, Chiropractic adds nothing in your body and takes nothing out. 

Final Words 

At Noosa Junction Chiropractic, we are dedicated to integrating Chiropractic, vitalism, and holism to provide comprehensive and personalised care. By addressing the root causes of health issues and empowering our patients through education and holistic practices, we aim to alleviate current health concerns and prevent future ones.  

Our holistic approach emphasises balanced living and supports our community in achieving optimal health and wellbeing. Together, we strive towards building a healthier and more resilient community where individuals can thrive and enjoy life to the fullest. 

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